Ottawa Singing And Voice Instructor Dr Andrea

Singing And Voice tutor Dr Andrea from Ottawa, ON
Name Dr Andrea K.
City Ottawa, ON
Teaching Singing And Voice
Working With Kids, Youth, Adults, Groups
Levels Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Hourly Rate $70

I have had more than 30 years experience teaching piano and voice students. Many students have gone on pursue university degree programs, have won various competitions and perform many recitals. I am also a professional singer and divide my time equally between my studio and professional obligations.

Music Background & Credentials
Doctorate of Musical Arts Master of Music Degree Bachelor of Music Certification in Vocal Pedagogy Grade 10 RCM piano and Voice Member of the College of Examiners for Voice - RCM
Professional Experience
Taught at: Dalhousie University Anoka Ramsey Community College, Minnesota University of Minnesota University of Calgary University of Lethbridge Private studio for 22+ yrs
Teaching & Other Details
Various learning styles and teaching modes - lots of technique will be introduced and then a thorough exploration of several genres of music for both piano and voice.
Mon, Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. 1-9pm & Saturday 12-6:30pm. Depends on what will be available in the fall. Some flexibility possible.
Preferred Teaching Place
At my home in Orleans Ontario.
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